Rejection from three different mortgage brokers
Navigating the complexities of mortgage applications can be daunting, especially when adverse credit history enters the picture. However, for RS Financial, a challenge presents an opportunity to demonstrate their exceptional problem-solving skills and commitment to client success.
When a client approached RS Financial after facing rejection from three different mortgage brokers due to an unfavourable credit report, RS Financial saw a chance to shine. While the credit report showed adverse findings, it didn’t reflect uniformly across all credit agencies, including Experian. Sensing a discrepancy, RS Financial conducted a meticulous examination, encouraging a ‘Check My File’ approach to uncover the full story behind the credit score.
Armed with accurate and comprehensive data, RS Financial strategically placed an application with a lender. Our expertise and the robustness of the application led to an offer within five days—a swift and positive response that defied the client’s prior experiences.
RS Financial’s strategic approach didn’t stop there. They kept up to date with the ever-changing interest rates and managed to secure a new lower deal. Their diligence resulted in a significant saving for the client—over £3,000 over the course of their new mortgage. Something that wouldn’t have happened with a lot of other industry broker and especially if the client went direct to the bank themselves. This is a testament to our attention to detail and dedication to seeking out the most beneficial outcomes for those they serve.
The process, from application to anticipated completion, was set to take a mere two weeks, illustrating RS Financial’s efficiency and the power of having a knowledgeable broker on your side. It’s a narrative that not only highlights the value RS Financial brings to their clients but also cements their status as a broker who can turn a ‘no’ into a resounding ‘yes’, transforming challenges into victories.